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My Programs

Complete set of programs designed to help people overcome difficult issues.

How to Achieve Empowerment?

Struggling with Motivation?

Suffering with Low Self-Esteem?

Do you lack Confidence?

7 benefits of working with a mindset coach

  1. Objectivity: Coaches offer an unbiased perspective. They may challenge assumptions you make about yourself or others and provide objectivity you can’t usually get from friends and family.
  2. Self-awareness: Many clients want to understand their internal motivations and learn to overcome challenges. A coach helps you understand how your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours impact your daily life. They help highlight patterns that hinder you and provide tools to create change. Coaching helps you explore new ideas and embrace opportunities for growth and success.
  3. Confidence: Coaching lets you practice being confident and setting healthy boundaries in a safe space. It may also help you make better decisions, build self-compassion, and practice acceptance. You may also learn how to control strong emotions, which helps you face challenges with objectivity and confidence.
  4. Life balance: Planning skills are essential to work-life balance. Coaches help you outline and execute meaningful short-term and long-term plans to achieve goals while keeping other responsibilities and commitments in mind. You benefit from having an accountability partner and a guide for handling obstacles or stressful situations.
  5. Resilience: Coaching teaches skills that boost adaptability and healthy coping strategies. By using these skills, you can face challenges or setbacks with more success. While coaching won’t help you avoid negative situations, it can help you stay clear-headed when dealing with life’s stressors.
  6. Communication: Coaching can help you learn how to express yourself in a healthy way to improve your relationships. It gives you the skills to navigate tough conversations and communicate with empathy and honesty.
  7. Well-being: Coaching helps you develop healthier habits and mindsets that can improve your sense of well-being. As you change your thinking, you learn to recognize your strengths and embrace growth. Reframing situations and celebrating successes are practices that help cultivate peace of mind.

1 to 1 Individual Coaching & Coaching Packages

Are you struggling with any of the cognitive conditions listed? My 1-2-1 individual or group sessions can be tailored to explore and empower to meet your specific requirements and what you want to achieve.

Bronze – A Mini programme of 3 sessions. Each session is 50 minutes.
Silver - A Programme of 6 sessions. Each session is 50 minutes
Gold – A programme of 12 sessions. Each session is 50 minutes

Open for Appointments

Have a look at my schedule to book a session.

Suzanne is a life changer, after working with her that experience and knowledge and technique of delivery are invaluable. Please don't try to figure it out yourself and go it alone. Get a coach

~ Angus

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? Get in touch

Working with a coach compresses the time it takes to obtain results. Use their experience and knowledge.

Have more question in mind? Get In Touch with me.

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